About the author
Jennifer Lynn is a daughter of God, wife, mother of two, and former research chemist and high school chemistry teacher. Today she helps her husband run their automotive repair shops in the Midwest. Together, the have become strong advocates of the skilled trades and work to promote them as respectable career paths for the next generation.
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About the series
Career Exploration
The skilled trades are respectable careers to enter. All careers are necessary and should be honored for the betterment of all society.
When we obey God’s calling for our lives, we live our best life. Honoring our God-given talents is the best way to honor God.
The older generations are a treasure trove of wisdom. Children spending time with elders enriches lives of both generations.
Serving one’s country is a sacrifice for the entire family. But well worth it to be a part of something bigger than the self.
Learning is a life-long skill and the secret to an adventurous life.
Rich Content
The Wynn Parker Series is appropriate for multiple reading levels and provides rich content for older readers while being readable for younger readers.
Book 1: Wynn Parker Is A Mechanic Today
Wynn Parker has decided to be a mechanic today. His retired next-door neighbor, Mr. Kennedy, needs to change his SUV’s oil. Wynn gets worried when he realizes he doesn’t know how to change oil. Will he be able to be a mechanic after all?
Available at your favorite online retailer.
Book 2: Wynn Parker Is An Electrician Today
Wynn Parker tries to turn on his favorite lamp at bedtime, but it doesn’t work. After changing the light bulb and checking the electrical panel, Mom thinks an electrician is needed. Can Wynn and his retired next-door neighbor Mr. Kennedy safely navigate the world of electricity? Will his lamp shine brightly again?