
Our news

I am so excited to launch my very own website for the Wynn Parker Is series! This has been on my “to-do” list for the past 9 months! Since my first book published in March 2024, I’ve been learning so many new things about the literary world. Two main things I’ve learned have nothing to do with writing: patience and priority lists! Not exactly the skills one would think would be critical for an independent author!

When I first published, I didn’t realize the enormity of things that were still left to be done. Initially, I was paralyzed by all of it. And as I dug into things like a website, I realized there were things I needed to do before I could build the website. And there were things I couldn’t do without a website. My hands didn’t feel tied, I felt completely bound like a mummy!

Slowly, I began to unwind the gauze. I was able to figure out my priorities for the my mission surrounding this series (more on that in just a bit). I remembered the publishing company I hired included website development in my package – great, right? Well, not necessarily. Yes, eventually, a site was published. But it wasn’t me. And I didn’t think it truly portrayed the message I’m trying to get out into the world – the trades are viable career choices for our children! I knew I’d have to create my own website at some point. So my search began for domains (the publishing company owns my original desired domain), learning about host companies, plug-ins, SEOs, SSLs, and on, and on. And believe me, I’m not done yet! I’m still working through the WordPress Academy to learn all I can to bring you the BEST website possible!

But this is a great start – and I’ve been able to publish some of the reviews I’ve collected from various book selling sites (Amazon, WestBow Press,, and Goodreads, to name a few). Oh, and let me tell you how nice it is to create this blog – I have a modern mode of blog writing now with the option to upload pictures! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!! The patience I’ve learned has been an incredible growth opportunity for me as well! To be fair and transparent, a lot of those priorities on my priority list had to be taken care of before I could get to this, which is why it’s taken me so long to get to this point. I’ve also written the second installment of Wynn Parker Is and been working with my illustrator and editors to hopefully have it ready for publishing before the end of February 2025 (of course, there’s more patience and priority lists for that task as well – I’m working on learning how to completely publish it all on my own this time!). I’ve created and printed bookmarks – paper and wooden, stickers, and designed and purchased “all the things” to make my table look great at vendor fairs. Then there were vendor fairs I’ve attended. I’ve been working with a couple of local schools to come in and speak to students for Author Week. And then. And then. But TODAY! Today is website publication day! And here we are – I’m writing my first true blog – and you’re reading it! What a remarkable day!

I said earlier that I’d get to my mission. My goal with the Wynn Parker Is series is to help the next generation revere the trades as viable careers and be proud to choose them as their own careers. When we acknowledge our God-given talents (gifts, skills, preferences, etc.) and we submit them to His will, we get to live our BEST life! Why would we want any less for our children?

My secondary goals for this series include :

  • showing children that older generations have much to teach them and that their lives can be enriched by spending time together.
  • learning is a life-long skill and is fun!
  • military service is a part of some families’ lives, and is a sacrifice everyone in the family makes. Being a part of something bigger than self is what makes this sacrifice worth it to all members of the family.
  • reading is fun – the Wynn Parker Is series is adventurous and contains content rich material children love to read!

Whew! That’s a lot to unpack in a 80+ page children’s chapter book! These messages are positive and filled with encouragement and children will finish each book filled with possibilities for their lives. And that is worth all the time spent learning patience and priority lists – vital skills you and I now know are required to be an author!